Thursday, November 21, 2019

Malcolm X Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Malcolm X - Research Paper Example He was a son of two active black nationalists who followed the teachings of Marcus Garvey, the most influential pan-Africanist of the early twentieth century. Malcolm was placed in an Ingam County juvenile in Mason, Michigan. He worked hard and was obtaining good results in school. Seeing this made his half sister Ella proud when she came to visit him. Though many people of his time believed that Malcolm X and his followers were only spreading hate across the nation, his speeches accomplished a lot more than that. Because of him, black people in North America are now shown more respect by people of the white race who were once their oppressors. To the eyes of many, this was not real freedom. Malcolm X was fighting to change this sad reality and win the respect of people for all black people nationwide. Demonstrating this fact, after his death, affirmative action became a part of a larger design by Pres. Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty program to benefit the minorities of the society who were not given the opportunity to seek formal education and denied equal job opportunities as the white population. (Haley, 1964) The debate on this issue is still going on today. These facts prove that black people are finally being accepted for who they are in the society they live in and shown the respect they deserve. A formal apology has not yet been witnessed but the fact that it is being discussed alone still demonstrates that whites are finally recognizing blacks as human beings no inferior than whites and deserve equal respect to whites. The black people were the same ones who once accepted white supremacy and believed themselves to be inferior. They were unqualified and, as human beings, did not recognize their rights like most black people of that time. (Perry, 1991) They endured police aggressions and harassments. Newton, who was familiar with the law, guided his people into a militant resistance whose purpose was to defend its community and would not attack unless a ttacked. Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr The Civil War was only the beginning of a Civil Rights Movement that would last a century. Malcolm X, like Martin Luther King Jr., Marcus Garvey and many more, was part of this movement. These people fought for freedom of black people and created awareness of the negative effects of racial discrimination. Proof of this is the fact that the American government feels ashamed for the past events, which is the reason why details of shameful events like slavery, hate crimes and assassinations of various black leaders are never disclosed for the people to learn more about. Slavery, for example, is a part of its history that the government constantly tries to keep hidden. Malcolm X was assassinated on February 21, 1965 at 3:10 P.M. Many people believe that the FBI might have killed him. Whether or not he was killed by the FBI or by the NOI, the information would still be disclosed. The existence of Malcolm X was therefore vital to the American l ifestyle because he was a bold man who was not afraid to speak his mind and by doing so he created consciousness of the harm that racial discrimination caused in humanity. (Goldman, 1979) Malcolm X as an Activist Malcolm X was an activist whose legacy will continue to live on for years to come. Along with other Civil Rights Movement leaders he influenced the way of life in America and today, evidence of this is seen during the month of February which

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