Saturday, November 2, 2019

Student Participation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Student Participation - Essay Example This type of passive response is self-explanatory, the students are hesitant to admit in public that they do not understand the lesson. The admission of such fact is associated with embarrassment and shame since other students would perceive that learner as slow. Unfortunately, the whole class feels that way towards themselves. Anxiety from past unpleasant experiences brought by humiliation either from teachers or fellow students is a strong motivator in keeping one’s self from actively participating in discussions. This is where the role of utilizing response cards becomes important. The learner can participate in learning by joining the group in responding to the question. The inconvenient feeling brought by anxiety is lessened since everybody is exposed when giving out an answer. The group becomes engaged in collaborative learning where nobody stands out nor left out. The first benefit of using response card is helping students overcome their anxiety when participating in class, consequently, frequent interaction that merits a positive response boosts the morale of the learner. This translates to positive reinforcement that would intrinsically motivate the student. The second benefit that response cards provide to the teaching of Math is that it acts as an effective assessment tool for the teachers. It is a common fact that students dislike types of assessment since evaluation of academic performance is always correlated with paper and pencil examination. The mere term â€Å"assessment† already gives a negative connotation for learners since it is associate with failing grades and unkindly remarks from some parents. However in the case of response cards, the students do not easily realize that an assessment is going on. The questions are viewed in a positive way by perceiving it as a challenge. Sometimes, response cards are even seen as

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